Frizgility, 4WayPlay, Funkey and 7up
The border collies are coming and they want to play UpDog!
We will be on the Working Dog/Flying Disc field
Tuesday Oct 30 10am-4:30pm
Registration Opens at 9:30
What to Do for Friz, 4Way, FunKey, 7Up
- Sign Waiver
- Verify Registration Info/ Pay
- Check Running Order
- Prepare for Glory
What do do for Wildcard games…
- Sign Waiver if you haven’t already
- Pay
- Fill out scoresheet
- Fill out running order
- Bring me your scoresheet when you are up next.
10am Friz
11:30am 4Way
1pm FunKey
2:30pm 7Up
$10 per game or $35 for first 4.
4 – 5:30pm Wildcard. You can play any of ThrownGo, TimeWarp, spacedout, 4Way
Wildcard games are $8 each
Please be ready when it is your turn. Please help with bar setting and/or sideline judging.
Players meeting – before each game for anyone who needs it.
Awards – At the end of each game.
What is up dog