Bite Club is…
a collective of UpDog sanctioned disc dog clubs collaborating to host a series of weekly UpDog competitions
that culminate with a Champion Club, 3 Top Overall Champion Teams (combined game scores) and individual club champs.

Bite Club 2025 Schedule
Spring Session – April 26th thru May 25th
Summer Session – July 12th thru Aug 10th
Fall Session – October 11th thru November 9th
Competitors: If you play with more than one UpDog club for Bite Club in a given week your scores will count for the first club you play with and your individual ranking will come from those scores as well. All your scores will be loaded on to the Team Site and count towards Achievements, UPs, UPDIF points, etc. but only the first set will count towards Bite Club. If you want your scores to count towards the second club instead of the first club that you play with you must fill out the Bite Club Declaration Form in advance of that week’s game play to let us know. (click the link to the left to go to the form)
Bite Club Spring 2025 Schedule!!!
Week 1: Greedy & Spaced Out
4/26 thru 5/4 – scores due 5/6
Week 2: Four Way Play & Time Warp
5/3 thru 5/11 – scores due 5/13
Week 3: Greedy & Throw N Go Level TWO
5/10 thru 5/18 – scores due 5/20
Week 4: Throw N Go Level ONE & Fireball
5/17 thru 5/25 – scores due 5/27
Bite Club Summer 2025 Schedule!!!
Week 1: Four Way Play & Time Warp
7/12-7/20 – scores due 7/22
Week 2: Spaced Out & Fireball
7/19-7/27 – scores due 7/29
Week 3: Throw N Go Level ONE & Time Warp
7/26-8/3 – scores due 8/5
Week 4: Throw N Go Level TWO & Fireball
8/2 thru 8/10 – scores due 8/12
Bite Club Fall 2025 Schedule!!!
Week 1: Four Way Play & Fireball
10/11-10/19 – scores due 10/21
Week 2: Time Warp & Spaced Out
10/18-10/26 – scores due 10/28
Week 3: Throw N Go Level TWO & Greedy
10/25-11/2 – scores due 11/4
Week 4: Throw N Go Level ONE & Fireball
11/1-11/9 – scores due 11/11
BITE CLUBS! – The section below is for Clubs planning to host Bite Club
Bite Club weeks now overlap and go from Saturday to Sunday. This will allow clubs to double up Bite Club on weekends if needed. This should lower costs for clubs who struggle with paint and field costs to run 2 games. Scores are due on Tuesday by midnight EST.
*For those CLUBS who would like to join BITE CLUB and have never played UpDog previously email BiteClub@updogchallenge.com to ensure you have everything you need to play.
For existing clubs:
- Designate a Club Pack Leader (or two). Responsible for “registering” the club, event dates and communicating with Bite Club & responsible for submitting scores and payment – submit this information including event dates via: https://www.cognitoforms.com/UpDog1/EventRegistration
- Play UpDog!!! Play your games, report your scores
- Bite Club will honor:
– Top Clubs
– Top Players
And more!
- Bite Club weeks now overlap and go from Saturday to Sunday. This will allow clubs to double up Bite Club on weekends if needed. This should lower costs for clubs who struggle with paint and field costs to run 2 games.
- Scores are due on Tuesday by midnight EST.
- Send Bite Club files via this form: https://www.cognitoforms.com/UpDog1/BiteClubResultsSubmissions
- Cost for the club to host Bite Club is $3.50 per run. There will be no goodies mailed or charitable donations HOWEVER there will be Bite Club specific achievements on each team’s profile.
*All UpDog rules and procedures apply (field layout, paint, insurance, sanctioned judges, etc)
Visit https://updogchallenge.com/clubs/ for complete host requirements and information
*To become an UpDog judge or inquire about UpDog Judge’s training, email help@updogchallenge.com
*Insurance can be purchased from any local insurance company or online at www.EventHelper.com
*Painted lines are required to keep the integrity of the games
(thereby points are qualifying points for UPDIF and AKC/CKC Titles) and aid in judging.
A painted sweet spot picture is not required.
*Clubs playing Bite Club games are not subject to ‘Proximity Rule’
(separate Bite Clubs may play near each other on same day, and a Bite Club may play their Bite Games near another UpDog competition) but may not play additional rounds or additional games for points, without registering with UpDog and UpDog permission.
*Clubs must have at least 4 unique humans and 6 teams each week to be eligible for Bite Club awards–
the humans do not need to be the same each week, but it is encouraged to attend as many as possible to be eligible for club awards and overall awards. A TEAM (human and k-9) may only be “declared” with one club, but a human may choose to play with more than one club (i.e. with another one of their k-9 teams).
*Each club will play the two specified games during the specified week.
If additional games are added, register your event with UpDog. (If additional rounds are played, the first round of the Bite Club games would count for Bite Club scores)
*A club may schedule their play-dates on any day during the specified weeks.
The date does not have to be consistent from week to week.
Also, a club may switch their day during the scheduled week (i.e. for weather, emergency, etc. – please inform UpDog). Both games do not need to be played on the same day, however, each game must be completed in its entirety with all teams on the day it is played.
*All scores are to be via this form https://www.cognitoforms.com/UpDog1/BiteClubResultsSubmissions by midnight on the Tuesday per the schedule above. Scores are submitted for each individual game on the appropriate excel Data Entry Sheet and must be labeled correctly: city-date-game. Scores submitted late will NOT be included in that week’s scoring summary.
*$3.50 per run (in each country’s own currency) and you will be billed by UpDog. New Bite Club specific achievements will be earned and reflected on each team’s profile!