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1ST ANNUAL UPDOG International Finals (UPDIF)
March 18-20, 2016
Thursday – Seminars, SetUp and Settle In
Friday will be a last chance qualifier, the points will count towards 2016 season.
Friday evening will be Freestyle Round 1 and FarOut
Saturday and Sunday: Freestyle Rd 2, Frizgility, 4WayPlay, SpacedOut, FunKey, ThrowNGo and TimeWarp
I am a volunteer writer for Sports Locker Magazine located in central Missouri. The magazine covers a lot of local youth and their sports. It is my endeavor to write Canine Champions which highlights a dog, dog sport, or youth. This is a wonderful opportunity to educate and make the public aware of some of the wonderful activities that they can do with their dogs. I have written articles about Dock Diving, County Fair Dog Show, Sophie and her stock dog trials and her border collie, and Alison and her agility dogs. I would LOVE to include an article about Up Dog challenge at Purina Farms. If you think that this would be a possibility, please let me know. I would love to interview people, take pictures, and find out more about the event. It’s a great way to advertise what Up Dog is all about. You can also check out http://www.sportslockermagazine.com The article doesn’t have to be about a youth involved in the sport, but it is a plus.
Thank you in advance for your time,
Jennifer Winkelman
Hi Jennifer
Please email Kat@updogchallenge.com and she can get you the information you need. The 2106 Finals event will be in March in Florida. We will not have another event at Purina Farms until May 2016.