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The River Place Shops and Muffler Man of Frankenmuth
Are proud to sponsor the first Up Dog Challenge in this area.
If you enjoy playing Frisbee with you dogs, or running Agility. Come join us, for a fun filled day of games that Combine Frisbee and agility.
Behind 925 S. Main Street, Frankenmuth, MI 48734
July 11, 2015 Registration starts at 8am, Games start at 9 am.
Depending on the amount of people to sign up,
We will be playing Frizgility, 4 Way, ThrowNGo, and Freestyle Showcase. Cost will be $10.00 per game, and
Ribbons and prizes will be awarded.
To check out a list of the games, please go to Updogchallenge.com
Any questions please feel free to email Midmichigank9events@gmail.com