Registration is closed. There are no walkup spots.
Our 4th year will once again be a 3 day Funstravaganza at Purina Farms, an event so epic we could sell out in just hours.
The goal was to offer something unique, to keep pushing the boundaries of player experience by setting a new standard for player experience and help teams get the points the need and … maybe set a few new records.
We play on turf, inside, on (2) 30 yard fields that convert to one full field. We use tape, lots of tape, and some curtains 😉
What’s new this year? Judges training, roller derby, rolling registration…
Judges training (opening seminar and setup) 9-2 (bring lunch)
3-5pm OUTSIDE Farout alternate (ends at 5 so don’t come too late)
5:00-8:00 INSIDE Farout rd 2 (alternate) and ThrowNGo
(WalkUp and play – means grab a scoresheet, fill it out and write your name on the running order)
Player setup (in the small hall) 12-8:00
9-10:30 ThrowNGo L1
10:30-1:30 FS Criteria Round L2 and ThrowNGo L2 (the Pam plan)
1:30-3:45 4WayPlayL1 and 2 and TimeWarp L1
3:45-5:45 Frizgility L1
5:45 CTP
6 – Human TimeWarp and BEERS FOR PEACE
Leave building by 8pm
9:30 FS Performance Rd L1
11:30 Funkey L1
1:30 Spaced Out L1
3:30 7up L1
8-10am Judges training breakfast wrap-up at Bob Evans
Champions / elite/record breakers division
Open / everyone
Special achievements and prizes will be available at this event for teams that throw all rollers in at least 3 games. (Games that will be eligible: ThrowNGo, 4WayPlay , SpacedOut, TimeWarp)
Freestyle – check the event page for instructions on how to handle your music.
Running Orders- Check the website Page
Registration :
60 runs per game
Rolling registration means
Friday 8pm Est on Oct 27 – roller derby, champions divisions, sponsor volunteers and judges in training get to register first
Then open division can enter on Saturday Oct 28 12am until we fill.
Players Packs:
$20 for a shirt, disc and other goodies
Judges Training:
Want to be an UpDog judge? Learn how to run an UpDog event from pre-reg to data post. Starts friday am with a 2 hour roundtable about how to prepare for an event. Including demo on pre-reg data, field setup, admin tent, etc. Then each judge will be assigned to shadow judge each game at the event Sat and Sunday as well as data entry. About 5 mins per game. Then Monday morning we’ll go over all the post event stuff and questions over breakfast. So each trainee will play, judge, do data entry, pre-reg, and participate in discussion.
In State and out of state raffles.
Mulligans – just 1 per team for the whole weekend
4WayPlay Roll – if your score matches the roll. you get your entry fee for that game back
Roller Derby Division
Throw rollers only and be eligible for unique prizes, everlasting glory, and as always, special achievements!
Bring in a sponsor and you can register early AND I’ll refund a portion of your entry fees up to 50%. Contact me via fb or email Jason@updogchallenge.com to let me know who/what.
Costs :
We rent the event center and the field for this event as well as supply additional awards. We wish we could offer it for less but this covers costs.
play every round (there are 13 rounds) for $95 (choose 1 level only)
each game – $10
or per day
Friday – all 3 rounds $27
Saturday all 5 rounds – $45
Sunday all 4 rounds – $36
Multiple dog discount : Save 10% when you play with multiple dogs. (per order) “chillquatro” is the code.