The new crossover game of Frizgility has been a competitor favorite at UpDog events across North America. A mini agility course combined with the exhilaration of a thrown disc has created what some refer to as Frizgility Fever. The fever definitely hit a high at the Granite State UpDog event earlier this month. The second run of the day resulted in a deadlock with three players tied for first place. David Gosh and Hippie Chick, Raymond and Mrs. Peel, and Melanie Griggs and Glenna all earned the centurion award by scoring 100 points during their rounds. The tie was broken by the perfection of Melanie and Glenna’s round. Challenged by the damp ground and the long tunnel, the judges wondered how Melanie’s little Aussie would stack up against some of the bigger dogs. Glenna took on the challenge by running four flawless runs through the agility equipment and complementing each run through the equipment with a leaping catch past the 10 yard marker. Not only did Glenna’s little paws carry her to the 1st place win, but Melanie and Glenna also earned the first ever Speedy Feet achievement in the Northeast. Congratulations to all of the Centurion Achievement recipients and a special congrats to Glenna and her Speedy Feet!
Author: UpDog
UpDog was born on a restaurant table. We used salt shakers and sugar packets and ketchup bottles to create the field and games. All it took was friendship to breathe it to life. Every dog that takes the field, every team that competes, fulfills the dream of 4 friends sitting around a table.