We invite you to our public Beta Launch of the UpDog teams site.
First you can visit the explanation page and then
check out the Teams site.
*** Already have team data? Is there an X in your team or competitor number?
That’s old stuff…We’d like you to create new teams so we can associate your previous data with your new teams.
This is a Beta Launch – we expect there will be errors, issues, and snaffoos. We welcome any and all of your feedback during this time so we can continue to develop and improve the experience for our Teams. Shoot us an email Help@UpDogChallenge.com
We plan on the full launch to happen in September. We appreciate your help in making this the coolest disc dog team tracking website in the world.
Freestyle stats are not yet included
Keep an eye on the explanation page for updated answers to common questions
Hello I am trying to create my team and am having problems. I would really like to see the points my dogs earned in frakenmouth last weekend. thanks