Currently UpDog offers 3 options for ordering awards.
1 – Order through Crown Awards. You can choose your awards and use UpDog’s artwork that is on file with Crown. This includes the UpDog logos, all game logos and special awards artwork such as “Catch of the Day”, “Indomitable Unicorn”, “Road Warrior”, “Mighty Beast”, “Old Dogs Rules”, “Forever Young”, “Miss Congeniality” and “Happy Birthday”. All orders and payments go directly through Crown. They have a large variety of awards to choose from.
Contact Shirlee directly for the best service:
Shirlee Herrera Senior Account Specialist Crown Awards 1-800-227-1557 ext. 501 SPACCT@CROWNAWARDS.COMCustomer#: 53998229
2 – Order Ribbons through Stineman Ribbon Company. You can choose which type of ribbons and are no longer limited to the one or two designs that UpDog kept in stock.
Stineman Ribbon Company account # 1-Up- 8361(814) 495-4686http://www.stinemanribbon.com/
3- Create/order your own awards. Clubs or groups hosting UpDog events may use the artwork found in this folder (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vg1KumK1jhEa2NleMEpCum-kqXIv4oRW?usp=drive_link) to have awards made at a company of their choosing (or to hand make awards). Rules regarding use of these items are found in the Rules and Requirements for Hosting document on the Google Drive. These logos and designs may not be used for any other purposes not covered in the Rules and Requirements for Hosting document.