UpDog at The Brightside – Competition and Judges Clinic!
Dean Werts
Event location
2032 Jones Phillips Rd
Dacula, GA
November 18 and 19th
Saturday: 12:30 pm – 5:30 pm we will have 5 games and limiting the entries (20 per game), so those participating in the judges clinic will have time to discuss each one. *You do not have to be in the Judges Clinic to enter the games.*
Games will be 4 Way play, FunKey, 7Up, Spaced Out and Time Warp. Both levels 1 and 2 will be offered.
Players meeting is at 9:15 am
Games will be Freestyle, Frizgility, Far Out and Throw and Go. Both levels 1 and 2 will be offered.
Link for Pre Reg: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeJ_otg7tUgTMcaKDPDifcKgB4bCFJUFozSoPJ0TwOB5jX6-Q/viewform
This event will be an UpDog competition as well as an UpDog judges clinic. Contact Kat@updogchallenge.com if you are interested in participating in the clinic to become an UpDog judge!