UpDog is excited to offer an indoor event at the Purina Farms event center.
We will play 2 rounds each of Frizgility, 4WayPlay, TimeWarp(based on the time trial game by Adrian Custer), and finish with 2 rounds of Freestyle.
We will play a bonus game during lunch. The game will be decided by majority vote during registration.
Awards will be given at the end of each game session. There is a $1 raffle at lunch. Your registration automatically enters you or you can opt out.
(Event information, other than date and time, may change prior to registration being opened, I’ll update any details prior to registration)
Options: (per dog)
1. Freestyle Plus 2 $50 (freestyle and 2 games of your choice “4wayplay, Frizgility or TimeWarp”)
2. EBF “Everything But Freestyle” $40 (3 Games”4wayplay, Frizgility and TimeWarp”)
Each game is 2 rounds
3. Play Everything $60 (3 games and freestyle/2 rounds each)
4. Pick and Choose (ala carte selection of games)
Freestyle: $25
All other Games: $15 for 2 rounds or $10 per round
5. Optional Players Pack $10 (One per handler, will include a shirt and other extras)
You do not have to attend all day, you can just show up for the games you registered to play. We will be playing on a turf field indoors.
Tentative Schedule:
8:00am Registration
8:45 Players Meeting
9:00 Frizgility
We will go over how to play and run a demo.
10:45 4WayPlay
We will go over how to play and run a demo.
12:30 (Lunch, Raffle and Bonus Game) FunKey
2:15 Time Warp
We will go over how to play and run a demo.
3:45 Freestyle (2 rds and 2 bonus throws)
Purina Farms, Gray Summit MO
JASON RIGLER Jason@updogchallenge.com
Closed – Please register at the event at 8am or between games.
Email me with any questions. Jason@updogchallenge.com
I wanted to give you a pretty comprehensive list of things to consider and prepare for at this event. Chime in with questions and suggestions below. PLEASE READ
Registration starts at 8am. WalkUps are ok, but please come register early to help us stay on schedule. Registrations will finish by 8:45. At the registration table you will check in, sign your waiver, and get your players pack if you purchased one.
There will be UpDog items available for sale including discs, hoodies, hats, etc.
Players Meeting is 8:45 Frizgility starts as close to 9am as possible 😉
We will explain and demo each game.
Check the event link for the full schedule
and visit the site to learn more about each game and its rules…
A running order for each game will be posted at the registration table.
Pizza will be available for lunch. If you want any other food it would be best to bring it with you, including beverages. Also during lunch will be a raffle for anyone who entered and we will play Funkey as a bonus game (free to play).
If you are going to be there all day I suggest bringing a comfy chair. Of course bring crates and water and cookies for the dogs. Please bring a crate cover or blanket to help minimize barking. Potty your dogs throughout the day (outside) to help avoid accidents. It may be raining on Sunday.
Dogs must be on leash when not in a crate or competing in a game. No loose dogs.
Awards will be done immediately following the 2 rounds of each game. There will be a 1st and 2nd for each round of most games. Freestyle and Time Warp will have 1st,2nd,3rd overall.
Very much looking forward to the first UpDog Challenge in Missouri, indoors and the official launch of TimeWarp!
Thanks so much to the volunteers, the competitors, and of course our dogs, who bring us so much joy.